
In the ancient east the well was an important place. This is where they got the vital water they needed to feed their livestock and themselves. It was also a meeting place and a landmark.

This is the place Jesus rested and waited for the Samaritan woman; a woman with a past, a woman rejected by the Jews because of her mixed blood, rejected by men – four marriages and living with another and so was rejected by her whole village. An outcast having to fetch the water she needed in the middle of the day when it was hot and no one was around.

Have you been there? Feeling totally rejected and unloved? Lonely, afraid, tired and defeated, not sure what your future held? I have, more times than I care to remember.

There is no other history given to us about this woman. Why had her marriages failed, why she wasn’t currently married, did she have family, had she been abused in any way? Regardless, she was in need of a saviour. She came to the well day after day, week after week, retrieving water for her daily needs yet never getting her true needs met. The need to be loved unconditionally, accepted and feel safe.

But this day she would learn of a different water, a living water, that would forever satisfy her thirsty soul. A water that would quench her desire for that unconditional love, unconditional acceptance and bring her to a place of refuge. Home. Her true home. In Christ.

In John 4:14 (NIV) Jesus said “but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” As a believer in Christ I need to keep returning to this well of living water. This is what keeps me living well in mind, spirit and body; with faith, family and friends.

So if your tired of being thirsty, I invite you to join me here to dip our cups into this well of life and drink deeply. To journey together and encourage each other on the path, the path home.

Be well!
